Nametag is a social profile that allows you to claim and showcase your digital collectibles on the sites you use most (e.g. Twitter, Discord, Youtube).
Digital collectibles can be anything like NFTs, Achievements, or Nametag's Noken.
Nokens and Achievements are digital collectibles that are earned by unlocking siloed data within web2 platforms. Nametag enables users to showcase these collectibles and enable new experiences with them.
Nokens can be issued by anyone.
Achievements are earned based on a user’s wallet, social, and gaming activity.
These collectibles are stored within the Nametag Ecosystem and are easily viewable by anyone via your Nametag Profile and the Extension. In the future, Nametag will utilize decentralized services or blockchains to store Nokens. This means all the data you collect on Nametag will eventually be owned by you and will be used to qualify you for things like airdrops, campaigns, and other unique experiences from entities that Nametag partners with.
Sure, send an email to [email protected] with details on the Achievement and how one can earn it, and we'd be happy to take a look!